99 posts

Gita Bapat

London and Norfolk

Weekly MsCellany

In which I decide what this Substack is actually for
⸱ 3 minutes read

Before 60

Some things to do in the next year.
⸱ 2 minutes read

The last refuge...

I have been told that I am not patriotic because I have expressed misgivings about the ubiquity of Union Flag after its appropriation by the Right. This, however, are patriots. (Picture from THE GUARDIAN): Explain to me please, if you can, how we have fallen so far.
⸱ 1 minute read

The personal touch

I hope the supermarkets never get rid of served checkouts
⸱ 1 minute read

Stand down!

That’s it then, for now. Our 2024 Liberal Democrat General Election campaign might well be remembered for its silliness and stunts but, combined with our clear, serious manifesto messages, it turned heads and generated a lot of joy and positivity among the overwhelming majority of the people who spoke
⸱ 3 minutes read

No, we are not all the same

No, politicians are not all the same. No, we are not all “fucking corrupt.” No, we are not all in it for ourselves. It might well be true that some go into politics seeking only to enrich themselves or gain power over others. Others of us, however, cannot bear to
⸱ 2 minutes read

Racism did not begin in 2016

It’s been the Brexit anniversary again this week. I have always been against that spectacular act of vandalism and continue to speak up against it against those who will not listen. At this point anyone who doubles down to support it deserves only my contempt. Yet this post is
⸱ 3 minutes read

Why I broke up with umbrellas

I am maladroit with an awful inevitability. I will catch something, bump something, rip it, stain it with chocolate, trip over it, put a heel through it, get stuck in it. I stopped using an umbrella when I had my son James and I had to push his pram in
⸱ 1 minute read

We count

The culmination of weeks of campaigning as a Liberal Democrat Candidate.
⸱ 5 minutes read