Before 60

Some things to do in the next year.

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Over the weekend I embarked on my 60th year. My dear friend Sarah and also Soosan Carter from The Archers have set themselves bucket list 60 before 60 projects, and I’ve found this both inspiring and daunting. I’d quite like to do something to pay at least lip-service to the notion, but I watched Sarah’s military-precision year-long odyssey and it seemed like a lot of hard work to me. So my list of challenges will be more like N things to do before 60.

As I write I can think only of a handful, which already condemns this list to laxity but actually only my friends with stickler tendencies are counting, and who even cares anyway? I think the way forward is to start and then add as I go along.

I am using Roman Numerals as they seem less oppressive and goal-focused than Arabic ones. So here, in no particular order, starteth mine list:

I Take out the trash. It is time for a complete binning of clutter. Clothes, apps, people who do not spark joy. Let us start with those who could reasonably be expected to know it was my birthday, would have been reminded multiple times; through proximity could have been expected to drop me a quick “HBD” and chose not to. Not even belatedly. Remembering the birthday of someone close to you is not an unreasonable base line expectation, I think. Binned.

II Lose the weight. I am fed up with feeling like a Kennedy’s Sausage (Sarf LDN reference) in my clothes. Action is imminent.

III Ride a horse. I have never been on a horse before. Eliza tells me that horses are like big dogs, and I love big dogs, and it should not be difficult to arrange either here in Norfolk or in Suburban London. I’m not aiming for dizzying heights of equestrian prowess. Just staying on would be fine. I could start with one like this:

IV Finally take my LTCL Singing performance exam. I’ve been working towards this albeit sporadically for several years. Now’s the time to knuckle down and practice.

V Finally finish my mosaic crochet blanket. That’s been on the go since Hong Kong as well.

VI Change my name back to my maiden name by deed poll. Which means first finding my birth certificate that has been secreted in a place so safe that I can’t remember where I put it.

It all seems a bit self-flagellatory at the moment doesn’t it? Making up for all the things I haven’t done properly? Challenges to push myself. Except the horse thing. I could list some more learning and study goals like BSL or Italian but it is supposed to be a bit of fun.

I could set some travel goals. (I particularly admired Sarah’s Verona opera with return on the Orient Express) but, unlike my friend, I don’t think I’ve earned the right to spend that much money on a whim.

Those will do for now but if you, Dear Reader, have any suggestions I’d love to hear them, though I’m not promising that I’ll add them to my list.

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