I have my eyebrows threaded at Malika in Bluewater every few weeks. Experience has shown me that the ideal person to do one's eyebrows is someone else who actually knows what they're doing and has a coherent idea of shape and style.
Hair removal by threading seems to have been developed in India and the shop is staffed by young Indian ladies who speak Hindi with each other and play Hindi music while they work.
On my way out, I saw this sign, which is new. Look at point 7: For other therapists not to be talking loudly and/or excessively in a foreign language. When I asked, the lady who attended to me said that there had been some complaints.
The use of the term foreign language: to me that's a dogwhistle. Perhaps Mr Farage and his load of narrow-minded, ignorant Little Englanders have managed to find their way to Bluewater and been disturbed by the jolly atmosphere in a other successful customer focussed service establishment run by Indians. Hm
I've spent a lot of the day trying to rally support for our beleaguered, beloved BYMT. I do apologise if my tweetage has become mundane. I was just trying to think of local people and musicians who might be interested and concerned about the decimation of the arts and culture in Bromley and its possible inplications for music in schools and youth services around the country.
Joe's petition, started less than 24 hours ago has, at the time of writing, collected over 4,700 signatures. You can view it here. Please, do have a look and consider signing and sharing it. I know cynics feel that there's no point in petitions but this one will at least give those barbarians at Bromley Council some idea of how strongly so many people feel about BYMT and the wonderful support it gives to young people from all sorts of backgrounds across the Borough and the surrounding areas. I made a point of telling his mum at choir how proud I was of him and she looked puzzled. Turns out he hadn't told her what he'd done!
What is more likely to convince people is a physical letter. Here is a copy of a letter I shall be sending to my three Copers Cope councillors tomorrow (when I have bought envelopes that match the paper. I know.)
So there you are. It's been a fairly uneventful day in some ways but otherwise I'm pleased to have played at least a tiny part in fighting for music to be available to all children.
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